Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why is Multicultural and Social Reconstructionist Education useful?

The United States is becoming more and more diverse. Schools are filled with students from various different backgrounds. Students come from different family and cultures which follow different norms. The teaching of multiple cultures is just as important in schools as teaching algebra or chemistry. The society of American is becoming more densely diverse and students need to adapt to such. Teachers who want to make students experience and respect different cultures may use the life-experiences of students as opportunities to discuss social inequalities. Unfortunately, inequalities do exist in the United States but teaching students about the many cultures that surround them will open them to a newer perspective. Teachers should “encourage students to think critically about the classism, sexism, racism, and social inequities that may be present in textbooks, newspapers, and other media sources”
                When a student compares the material they are learning in the classroom to a real-life example, they are likely to better understand the material. Take for instance an English speaking student who is taking a basic Spanish course in school. Now say the English speaking student is having a difficult time learning Spanish. The student may think to him or herself “Jeez this is not easy, I can only imagine the hard time the Spanish student in my English class is having” and become more open-minded and respectful to someone who is different. The importance of teaching multicultural education is useful in order to encourage respect of diversity, not only in the classroom but in the real-world setting.
(Please see page 54 of McNergney for a further understanding)

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