Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why do people wants to teach others?

After surfing the web researching why individuals choose to teach, I came across an awesome blog/forum website that gives different opinions of why people choose to teach. The website is right here if you are interested: http://www.thinqon.com/topic/why_do_people_like_to.
There were many obvious reasons as to why people want to teach. One evident reason is simply “to help others.” Some teachers truly want to help others understand things they do. Some want to share their experiences with others and possible teach their students mistakes they made in order to prevent them in the future.
Another reason why some choose to teach is to exercise their knowledge over others. Some people feel admired by others when they are telling them the material which they do not know. The idea that a classroom full of individuals is listening to every word you say and taking it all in makes a person feel superior. Many individuals on the forum believe that teachers enjoy the superior feeling of knowing knowledge that others don’t.
From a personal standpoint, I too enjoy knowing information that others do not. I think it is almost a form of human nature. I believe human beings are satisfied when they share information to others, whether it be a teacher in the classroom or teenager girls gossiping in the bathroom.

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